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Hello, Vision Calling!

What are your hopes? What are the vivid dreams that color your world on a rainy day?

Maybe your dreams have progressed to the point of being a vision. What you see before you is so clear that you can reach out to touch it. There is nothing wrong with being a dreamer or a visionary. The Kingdom makes room for and has need of those who can see beyond the obvious; those who are able to move past the dream state toward a reality not yet manifested. What is the difference between a dreamer and a visionary?


A dreamer will often have collections of thoughts not always connected. The dreamer will follow those thoughts on a path that looks like the flight pattern of a butterfly, there appears to be no real path or logical progression. As the dreamer looks back at their dreams they may realize what they see doesn’t always make sense but like the butterfly visiting a blooming bush for the sweet nectar the dreams have fueled the imagination of the dreamer long enough for them to consider “what if”. The dream is jotted down in a journal, for later; on to the next dream.


The visionary will take the collection and write out each thought developing, researching and nurturing it until it becomes a concrete thought that has a beginning, middle and end. A visionary will work toward the manifestation of that thought entreating others to see what he sees. Encouraging others to open up to the possibility of what looks impossible. If he cannot find the partners to help him give life to the vision the visionary will continue working in spite of what others say thoroughly convinced that God will bring it to full fruition.


A dream is not always clear. It is not always concise. A vision becomes specifically clear with time, prayer and patience as well as a lot of work. A dream is often fleeting, great at the time but you may not remember it with clarity when you are awake. A dream will often grab your attention for a short period of time. Then there are the dreams that pick up steam. It pushes to the front of the line, that dream will grab your attention to challenge you move forward. It is at that moment your dream becomes a vision. When you do move forward a vision will only allow you to see clearly what is ahead, where you came from is blurry, the path is obscured so that turning back is not in your best interest. A vision not only fuels your imagination it also ignites into motion possibility to the point of reality.


Possibility in motion becomes passion. As motion increases the deeper the passion grows, the friction of the movement creates a type of soul heat that can only be described as purpose.


Dreamers, dream your dreams until they become your vision, your purpose and your passion.

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