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Beyond The Veil

 Greetings Everyone,


Thank you for checking in. Have you ever wondered what passion would like in motion?  Or perhaps you tried to describe what positive energy looks like? This young woman is truly a force of nature with her straight to the point approach to prayer, worship and praise. Out of her journey to understand more about prayer and the power of intercessory prayer she has birthed two projects that help others re-define their prayer life and deepen their relationship with God. Well! I could go on and on about her because she is one of those people who is able to fill the atmosphere with joy but instead how about I get out of the way so you can experience Krischelle Epps.


Welcome Krischelle! Thank you so much for sharing some time with our Wonderful Women Wednesday audience.


Trudy: We hear so much about prayer, intercessory prayer, healing prayers, corporate prayer etc. What is prayer?


Krischelle: Simply it is communicating to God. It is making your request known to God; it is making your thoughts and feelings known to God. It is also you listening to God, responding to his nudging. You must be humble enough to listen to God. When we accept Christ as our savior that means we are sealed with the Holy Spirit who will communicate with us. Even when we are silent the conversation can and will continue. It requires us to stop and listen.


Prayer is one of the first things we learn to do at a young age. Yet, it seems as we get older it is one of the most confusing things we are asked to do. This often prompts the next question:


T: Is there a formula or pattern one must follow in order for it to be a prayer?


K: I understand that more and more in my relationship with God. At first whatever came into my head I would say. Then I began to read the word and meditating more about the Word. God began to show me there is more. There is no formula but you can always grow deeper. Time in prayer varies, to be really effective in your communication with God it requires time. Before I intercede I de-brief first. Once I am calm and receptive I begin with thanksgiving, then praise; as you go on you will realize that there is more to praise Him for than to complain about. After I give thanks, I repent. We must be aware and sensitive to admit we have sinned no matter how big or little it is. Take responsibility to take actions to not continue in that sin any longer. Some things God will show you that you were not aware of.


     After confession there is a time of cleansing. You want God to fill you with His Word after release self. Pray the word of God. That activates God to move on your behalf. He will guide us into the areas in which we need to pray. After confirming God’s Word to your situation you are in a position to request your petitions, after you petition you go into worship. As you lay everything at His feet you must believe He will move according to His will in the situation. It could be instantly, it could take time but you must believe the prayer will be answered.

     Prayers are not solely based on emotions. Crying and travailing can be a part of it but prayers are important because of God aligning our hearts to him. We often hear follow your heart but that is the very thing we do not want to do in prayer. We will pray out of emotions and our desires which may not be what God wants. Following God’s word is consistent and by praying His word we will learn to pray more consistently.


T: Why is prayer so important?


K: The payers of the righteous availeth much (James 5:16 KJV). There is power in prayer. Things can be changed and transformed through prayer. I believe prayer is underrated. It goes back to emptions, the songs pumps us and we experience an emotion. A sermon can summon emotions and we base our understanding on that emotion but that mid-week prayer service which is often not well attended is where we can see change. Jesus often went off alone to pray more than he did anything else. Prayer gives us direct access to our Father; the veil was rent to give us that access. Once we understand the power we have in prayer to be able to sit down with the God of the universe (the one who created the universe) to talk with whim to hear from him we will take prayer more seriously.


Admittedly these are very basic questions. However, these are important frequently asked questions that require examination to help us grow in grace.
















T: Would you like to share a little about your journey to accepting this awesome gift of intercessory prayer?


K: I got saved at 21. That year I would see people who had memorized and quoted scriptures left and right. They seemed confident in ministry. I always wondered what my purpose was. A year later I met my then boyfriend who was and is an anointed man of God-his gifts fit him but I still wondered about me. He became my husband and I am still watching this amazing anointing and one day I asked Albert to pray with me to find my place. We prayed everyday sometimes he prayed sometimes I prayed. Then one day during Sunday school I was asked to pray. I was so nervous because I had never prayer in front of anyone except Albert. When I opened my eyes the Pastor looked at me and said “Girl!! You can pray! “I finally understood my area of ministry. Since then I have learned more and more about prayer to the point people were confirming the gift. I understand now that God had His hand on me the whole time in prayer.


T: What led you to begin sharing prayer on Facebook?


K: I never wanted to be on FB, I am not the social media girl at all. However as I traveled and talked to people I understood people needed more information about prayer. After prayer God showed me that social media would be a good way to share. My motive was to establish a prayer group called Before the Throne.


T: I understand that it is not about the number of likes you receive but what type of feedback and reception are you receiving from the posted prayers?


K: I know that I will not meet everyone who reads the prayers. I have received some good feedback that has helped. I know what it feels like to have no hope so when someone makes a comment I always make the time to say thank you to God for meeting that persons need, I make sure God gets the glory for those posted prayers.


T: I know that you have been a guest speaker and presenter to several groups and conferences recently. It is an exciting time of growth and stretching for you. You have so many gifts and talents! Tell us about your latest gift emergence writer, and blogger. What is it about, what will we find when we visit?


K: I am so thrilled about the blog. It was born out of a passion for writing again because of the Before the Throne post. I wanted to take it up a notch. It is me sharing my thoughts and I include prayers at the end. I was at a women’s’ conference where I was teaching. I heard women talking about being bloggers. It made me wonder if this was something I should look into to. I had a good conversation with a speaker who is a psychologist who had become a blogger. She shared that it was a blessing. After praying about it, I took the information that I received from the psychologist and began to create the website. Naming it was the hardest part after testing several names on Albert and some of my friends I was having a conversation with my best friends during the conversation I had it!  The prayer group was Before the Throne so the website became After the Veil. 


T: Thank you for sharing with the WWW audience. You have shared some very valuable information. One last question-what is your contact information. Where may we find you online?


K: The website for the blog is  . Facebook prayer group: Before the Throne
I can be messaged on Facebook to book engagements.


Wonderful Women if you have a nagging feeling there is something you should be doing, it is not a feeling you should ignore. If you feel a press on your spirit, do not dismiss it with the “who me “response. If you simply are not sure about the next steps toward your purpose but you are willing to discover the plans He has for you, begin with prayer.

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