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  • Trudy Doleman


Rejoice Wonderful Women, It's Wednesday!

You know what that means, it is our time to take a few minutes to celebrate. Oh stop. It hasn't been THAT long since we were together. Okay, Okay, it has been that long. I have missed our time together. I hope all of you are well. If you remember I mentioned that WWW was undergoing some changes. A few of you were concerned that perhaps I had given it up or stopped writing. Thank you for your love and concern. No, Wonderful Women Wednesday did not dissolve or fold, I did not lose my desire to write. I did seek God to make sure of direction, know, all the things we check when we want to make sure we are on the right path and not following our own grand schemes. Long story short, Dad was working on me while working some things out. My sisters if you have a vision you know what I am talking about. Guess what? You know it! He made more of the vision clear to me. He gave me some more points to my assignment. I learned a few things soooooo yeahhhhhh it is time to celebrate!

The first obvious change is we are now a website. The email distribution had grown to the point that I was spending a lot of time sending one message out in clunky chunks to groups of people to avoid the spam police. Not cute. Not productive. One of our sisters suggested a blog and house the blog on a website that would grow. Of course I did not hear her. Pfffttt...a blog? it seems so random. I looked at a few blogs and it seemed the authors were angry, railing on about what ever was on their mind at the time. Go ahead. Laugh out loud, my sweet sister laughed at me too. Eventually I did run into some blogs and e-zines that seemed to have a point. I need to stop at this point to say Thank you to Sukina Mackall for giving me the opportunity to learn something new. To grow in a different direction. Following another opportunity to grow I took a Freelance Writing class. There is was again, blogging and websites only this time I was expected to actually create them as part of an assignment. God has a sense of humor doesn't He? With some very strong and enthusiastic encouragements from my professor and classmates here we are blogging on a website that will evolve! I am asking for your constructive observations and suggestions as we grow into our new digs.

Now back to the celebration! If you are new to the fellowship WELCOME! What are we celebrating you ask? First, take some time to think about at least one good thing about you. Maybe you like how your hair turned out today. Perhaps you want to celebrate one of your talents or gifts. It could be that you want to celebrate your life in general. The point is we all have at least one thing to celebrate in our lives. Second, celebrate your Father who made that one thing possible. If you are in a tight spot right now celebrating is not high on your list-right now. I am encouraging you to celebrate anyway. You are going to come out of it stronger, wiser and more equipped than when your fight began. That alone is a worthy reason to celebrate. The third part of the celebration is to dedicate a few minutes to you. Do something nice for yourself. Put the world on hold for a bit to invest in you. Call the school to talk with the admissions counselor about school. Put the family on hold for a little while to enjoy the stack of magazines and your favorite dessert. Put some work in on your great idea taking from page to production. The fourth part of the celebration is to encourage another Wonderful Woman. Remind her that she is valuable, remind her that she has a purpose. Celebrate with her until she is comfortable celebrating on her own.

It's all 'bout love,


Copyright 2000 Trudy G Doleman.

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